ClockSunday, 24/03/2024 17:06

Hue City Traditional Boat Racing Competition opened

TTH.VN - On the morning of March 23, at Trinh Cong Son Park, Hue City People's Committee held the opening ceremony of the 3rd Hue City Traditional Boat Racing Competition, aiming to celebrate the 93rd anniversary of the founding of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, the 78th anniversary of the traditional day of the Vietnamese Sports sector, and the 49th anniversary of Thua Thien Hue's liberation day. This is also one of the activities responding to Hue Festival 2024.

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 The racing teams enthusiastically competed

From early morning, thousands of people from all districts, towns and the city, along with domestic and foreign visitors, eagerly gathered on the banks of the Huong River and the Dong Ba River to cheer for the rowers, who were showing off their talents in the traditional boat racing competition of the city.

This year's racing competition brought together 400 male and female athletes from 9 localities, namely Thuy Van, Gia Hoi, An Dong, Huong Phong, Huong Vinh, Hai Duong, Phu Hau, and Kim Long of Hue City; along with one guest team from Phu An Commune, Phu Vang District. The teams competed by 9-person boats and in 9 racing levels, including male cung level and male pha level (3 laps and 6 shuffles); and male and female tien level (2 laps and 4 shuffles).

According to the leader of Hue City People's Committee, the city's traditional boat racing competition is held to meet the people's demand to enjoy the national culture and sports. This is an opportunity for athletes to exchange and learn from experience; as well as strengthening the solidarity between localities in the city. At the same time, it is also an opportunity to promote traditional cultural - physical training and sports activities of the homeland, associated with stimulating tourism, creating an exciting atmosphere to promote the socio-economic development, and continuing promote the campaign "All people doing exercise following the example of the great Uncle Ho".

Vice Chairman of Hue City People's Committee, Head of the Organizing Committee of the racing competition, Mr. Truong Dinh Hanh, emphasized that the Organizing Committee required boat owners and athletes to fully participate in all racing levels; strictly comply with the racing competition’s charter, as well as the decisions and administration of the Organizing Committee and the referees. They are also required to promote the spirit of fair play in competition, the spirit of solidarity and nobility, and demonstrate a civilized and cultural lifestyle in sports competition; while violent acts are strictly prohibited.

After the opening ceremony, racing teams from localities began to compete enthusiastically and fiercely, along with the cheers of fans and people on the both banks of the Huong River and the Dong Ba River.

Following are some photos taken at the 3rd Hue City Traditional Boat Racing Competition in 2024:

 Being ready and waiting for the command
 Teams in the racing
 Thousands of spectators watched and cheered on the both banks of the Huong River
 Secretary of Hue City Party Committee Phan Thien Dinh (on the right) awarded the prizes to the racing teams
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