ClockThursday, 29/06/2023 21:10

Training on hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation techniques for 90 doctors nationwide

TTH.VN - On June 26, Prof. Michelle Hermiston from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF, USA) visited and collaborated with Hue Central Hospital to organize a training course on “Hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation in cancer, benign blood diseases and congenital immunodeficiency”.

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 An autologous stem cell transplant for a pediatric patient at Hue Central Hospital

The course has 40 doctors (Dr.) nationwide participating online; 50 doctors specializing in transplantation and pediatrics, oncology, hematology participating on-site.

Trainees are trained on knowledge about stem cell transplantation indications and prognosis; selection of donors; complications of bone marrow transplantation and supportive care in transplantation; infectious complications and treatment; discussion on neuroblastoma transplant.

With the development of medicine, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is an advanced treatment method that helps cure many patients with malignancies, benign blood diseases as well as congenital immunodeficiency in children.

Hue Central Hospital has performed autologous stem cell transplantation to treat malignancies for children and adults. Up to now, the hospital has done transplantation for 30 children with high-risk neuroblastoma, 2 patients with recurrent non-hodgkin lymphoma, 2 children with metastatic retinoblastoma and many cases of multiple myeloma in adults...

In the near future, the hospital will conduct allogeneic stem cells transplantation to cure more patients. For congenital immunodeficiency diseases, thalassemia, if the transplant is performed early, the patient will be cured. With malignant blood diseases, allogeneic stem cell transplantation is an optimal method for patients.

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Professional training for swimming and diving instructors

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Acquiring new knowledge and applying it to training

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Acquiring new knowledge and applying it to training
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