Hue’s bustling Vesak celebration
14/05/2022 10:45
These days, Hue is bustling with flags and flowers to welcome Vesak.
Brilliant lotus flowers in early summer
11/05/2022 09:43
Early-season lotus flowers are in their full bloom in the Citadel as well as Hue city's suburbs, bringing in the peaceful and gentle beauty.
The memorable colors of flowers in the highlands of A Luoi
22/04/2022 15:44
In the summer, while going on A Luoi roads, you will suddenly encounter wild flowers brought home by people to beautify their house landscape, and hamlet alleys, etc...
The quiet fragrance
16/03/2022 07:48
These are the female "warriors" of Hue Central Hospital in all areas of health care for patients. Despite stress, pressure, and even the constant risk of infection, those "warriors" always fulfill the mission of a physician, like flowers silently emitting fragrance.
Purple Azadirachta indica tree season
13/03/2022 16:48
The azadirachta indica tree by An Cuu River this morning is in bloom with purple flowers. A few days ago, the leaf canopy was still green, but early morning today, in the sprinkling rain, the "purple clouds" have unexpectedly appeared on top of the branches.
Tet on flowers
05/02/2022 07:39
In Hue, somewhere on the sidewalk, you can see Prunus Persica blossom trees nestling themselves next to an old tree. Those are Prunus Persica blossom trees that their owners left after Tet (Vietnamese New Year’s Day.)
Our house has flowers
01/02/2022 08:11
My mother assisted my father, trying to arrange a few thin apricot branches into an old vase. She lightly sighed and added, “I wonder if we would have any flowers on the New Year's days...”
Hobby of "dry firewood flowers" for Tet decoration
31/01/2022 07:14
It looks as if they are just dry firewood branches, but only after 5 - 10 days of watering and caring can these dry branches sprout, blossom with vitality.
Famous flower village of Phu Mau on Tet harvest
29/01/2022 17:06
Besides traditional flowers such as chrysanthemum, marigold, and lily flowers, etc., the flower-growing farmers also grow many new flowers including orchid, and purple heather flowers.
"Checking-in" spring flowers on the days leading up to Tet
28/01/2022 07:31
Having become an important part of every Tet holiday, the spring flower spaces are not only a place for flowers to bloom together but also a place to seek aspiration for a favorable new year; contributing to attracting tourists.
Hue’s bustling Vesak celebration
These days, Hue is bustling with flags and flowers to welcome Vesak.