ClockSaturday, 10/02/2024 14:33

Foreign tourists enjoy experiencing Tet holiday at Hue incense village

TTH.VN - On the afternoon of the 30th day of Tet, the incense village of Thuy Xuan (Thuy Xuan Ward, Hue City) became more crowded with many delegations of international tourists coming to visit, experience, and take commemorative photos.

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 International tourists wearing raincoats to take selfies at Thuy Xuan incense village

Many tourist delegations from France, Spain, Serbia, and Germany, etc., came to this village not only to learn about the traditional incense-making craft passed down through generations, but also to get the chance to experience making incense sticks and agarwood. In a boisterous brouhaha of laughter, they showed off their final products of incense sticks made by themselves. Then they also together felt and made comparisons after smelling many different kinds of incense sticks. Many visitors were also invited to enjoy Hue ginger jam and hot tea, as well as were introduced about Tet Hue by the incense owners.

Francois, a tourist from France shared: “I’m so excited about this traditional craft. The manual way of making incense is very unique. The incense village is so colorful, creating a gorgeous space, carrying an ancient vibe. This is also one of the interesting experiences when coming to Hue on the days of Tet”.

Many visitors took their smartphones to take commemorative photos. Under the rainy weather of the 30th day of Tet, many tourists still didn’t hesitate to check-in under the rain at the incense village of Thuy Xuan. They shared that those photos were so beautiful and they would post them on their social media to share with their friends and relatives the trip to Vietnam on the days of Tet, contributing to promoting and introducing the images of Hue tourism.

Following are some photos of international tourists experiencing Hue Tet at Thuy Xuan incense village:

Experiencing making incense with locals 

Enjoying many kinds of scents to find out the differences 
 Taking commemorative photos at the incense village
By Huu Phuc
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