ClockTuesday, 08/11/2022 08:41

Images of Hue cultural heritage to be promoted at Phu Bai Intl’ Airport

TTH.VN - 20 posters featuring pictures of heritage, cultural landscapes, typical global values of Hue heritage were recently introduced along the entrance and exit way of Phu Bai International Airport in a promotion campaign by Hue Monuments Conservation Center.

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These are the works of well-known photographers such as Truong Vung, Nguyen Phuc Bao Minh, Tran Thien, Le Dinh Hoang, and Tran Ngoc Binh. The posters also have the phone number of Hue Monuments Conservation Center as the management unit so that visitors can contact for more information or report on other issues.

These posters are hoped to create a good visual impression on visitors when entering and leaving the airport, thereby effectively introducing and promoting the image of Thua Thien Hue province and the culture and heritage of Hue city to the wider public.

For now, these posters will be hung on the road in and out of Phu Bai International Airport until the end of the year, and subject to change depending on the situation.

By Nhat Minh

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