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Three destinations of Hue are listed in “Vietnam’s Top 7 Impressions 2023”

TTH.VN - From over 200 nominations and 15.000 votes, the program “Vietnam’s Top 7 Impressions 2023”, held by the editorial board of Sai Gon Tiep Thi (Saigon Marketing), under the group of Saigon Times, has identified 35 most impressive destinations and tourist experiences. Thua Thien Hue has 3 destinations of 3 categories listed in the “Vietnam’s Top 7 Impressions 2023”.

The world tourism mentioned HueThe Famtrip delegation from the Philippines surveys various tourist destinations in the Central RegionBoosting the “heat” for winter tourism in HueAmerican travel magazine recommends Hue as a must-visit destination in 2024LimDim House and dreamers’ trips

 Thanh Toan Tiled-Roof Bridge listed in the Top 7 unique architectural works in 2023

Specifically, Thanh Toan Tiled-Roof Bridge is listed in the Top 7 unique architectural works in 2023; while La Chu Village is in the Top 7 landscapes with breathtaking views seen from the air in 2023, and Bach Ma National Park is listed in the Top 7 ecotourism destinations in 2023.

The program “Vietnam’s Top 7 Impressions” is not a photo contest. Through the recommendations offered by the reporters, editors, collaborators, and readers, readers of the magazine group have voted and selected impressive destinations based on their feelings and tourist experiences. The final results are determined by the readers’ votes through the program’s website. In each category, 7 destinations and travel experiences with the highest number of votes are recognized.

The results of “Vietnam’s Top 7 Impressions 2023” include 5 categories, including the impressive architectural works, ecotourism destinations, landscapes with breathtaking views seen from the air, destinations with impressive landscapes, and impressive tourist experiences. Each category selects its Top 7 impressive destinations and experiences.

By Huu Phuc
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