ClockSaturday, 25/11/2023 14:32

Enhancing cultural exchange between Vietnam and South Korea

TTH.VN - On the afternoon of November 22, at Duyet Thi Duong Theater, Imperial City of Hue, Hue Monuments Conservation Center (HMCC) and National Gugak Center of South Korea signed a memorandum of cooperation and conducted a cultural exchange performance of court music between Vietnam and South Korea.

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Signing the memorandum of cooperation between Hue Monuments Conservation Center and National Gugak Center of South Korea 

With the aim of strengthening collaborative activities and promoting cultural exchange between Vietnam and South Korea, as well as promoting the destination and cultural heritage of Hue to attract more and more Korean tourists coming to Hue heritage area and Thua Thien Hue province, HMCC has recently actively established relationships and collaborated with various organizations in South Korea. This initiative aims to enhance mutual understanding and raise awareness on preserving and sharing cultural heritage values between the two countries through cultural and artistic exchange activities.

The court music performance, "Trinh Tuong Tap Khanh." 

According to Mr. Hoang Viet Trung, Director of HMCC, in order to concretize and implement the contents of the cooperation agreement between the center and the Cultural Resources Institute of South Korea, the Vietnam Cultural Heritage Association, the Korean Fine Arts Association, and the National Gugak Center of South Korea, HMCC will organize cultural and artistic exchange activities in collaboration with the involved parties.

In the initial implementation of the agreement, HMCC and the National Gugak Center of South Korea discussed and agreed on cooperative exchange content, sharing experiences, exchanging research materials and musical instruments, training in enhancing capabilities, and promoting joint activities related to in-depth research and performing arts. Specifically, a collaborative program titled “Asian Court Arts Festival” is scheduled to take place in South Korea in 2026.

At the program, HMCC and the National Gugak Center of South Korea engage in a cultural exchange performance featuring court music from both countries, introducing to the public the traditional and distinctive court art forms of the two nations.

These activities are part of the highlighted events of the Winter Festival and to celebrate Vietnam's Cultural Heritage Day (November 23), aiming to promote the cultural heritage of Hue with the goal to develop Hue into a centrally-governed municipality.

Through exhibitions and music performances, cultural exchange activities between Vietnam and South Korea are more and more expanding. Simultaneously, these initiatives continue to affirm their effectiveness in cooperation agreements with South Korean partners, with a focus on organizing regular activities in the upcoming Hue Festivals.

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