ClockSaturday, 02/12/2023 18:46

Hue City: Applying information technology to promote sustainable development

TTH.VN - On December 1, the Provincial Center of Information Technology (HueCIT) coordinated with the SMC Hue Co., Ltd. and the Architecture and Urban Research Institute (AURI) (South Korea) to organize the 2nd International Forum themed "Hue - Information Technology - Promoting sustainable development".

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 A South Korean expert sharing at the forum

The forum was attended by Permanent Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Thanh Binh, President of the AURI Reigh Young Bum; representative leaders of HueCIT, relevant departments and branches, along with domestic and international experts and managers with extensive experience in the sectors of Information Technology (IT), culture, transportation, and environment.

Speaking at the opening of the forum, Permanent Vice Chairman Nguyen Thanh Binh emphasized that green growth and sustainable development are identified as guidelines throughout the development process, over the past time, Thua Thien Hue has promoted digital transformation and applied IT to all areas of strength, making important contribution to the local socio-economic development. However, the application of IT, associated with the exploitation of potentials and strengths of the province such as culture, tourism, and environment, has not met the requirements yet; and, to have specific solutions and products, a lot of effort is still needed to meet the requirements.

The forum is an opportunity for experts and researchers in the IT sector, especially experts from South Korea, to share solutions and lessons learned so as to effectively apply IT and digital transformation, especially with the comprehension of green and sustainable growth, along with solutions to contribute to promoting local socio-economic development in the coming time.

According to Mr. Reigh Young Bum, the President of the AURI, cooperating with Hue city, a city with its rich cultural heritage and tourism resources, and also a leading city in smart technology, is working towards the same goal of preserving cultural heritage for sustainable development.

"The discussion will expand understanding of the challenges facing us, and offer practical and creative solutions to join hands to create a better city in the future," confirmed Mr. Reigh Young Bum.

 Handing over smart transportation vehicles to pilot green transportation in the area of Hue Imperial City

At the forum, domestic and international experts and managers exchanged and discussed contents related to the green and sustainable economic development associated with digital transformation; IT development orientation associated with culture, heritage, environment, and transportation to create the foundation for sustainable development; as well as promoting digital transformation, and developing digital data, and IT.

Experts from South Korea also consulted the province on many strategic solutions, including: Greening the transportation industry for the future; digital heritage identification for sustainable development of the Ancient Capital Heritage and cultural identity of Hue; and plans to develop bioenergy sources for the carbon neutral goal in Thua Thien Hue province...

These are strategic consultations to develop values from green technology and digital data; and also the basis for Thua Thien Hue to promote its internal resources and mobilize maximum resources for investment in development, ensuring the harmony between economic growth and cultural development associated with the green environment, contributing to realizing Hue's vision of a sustainable future.

On this occasion, a ceremony was held to hand over smart transportation vehicles to pilot green transportation in the area of Hue Imperial City, among Hue Monuments Conservation Center, the SMC Hue Co., Ltd., and the GBIKE (South Korea).

The Hue International Forum is scheduled to be held annually in Hue on the first Friday of December, and the third forum will be held on December 6, 2024.



The new urban look of Hue city

Hue City is undergoing significant transformations, emerging with a new urban identity as a centrally-governed city.

The new urban look of Hue city
Opportunity to promote Hue cuisine

As a meaningful highlight to attract tourists and people during the holidays of April 30 and May 1, the space to experience cuisine, poetry, and Ao Dai within the framework of Hue Traditional Cuisine Week 2024 at Thuong Bac Park takes place from April 27 to May 1, providing a place to have fun, experience, and enjoy regional cuisine throughout the country, creating a vibrant and bustling atmosphere for the long holiday.

Opportunity to promote Hue cuisine
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