ClockMonday, 13/11/2023 07:43

Presentation on "Energy innovations" from 5 schools in Hue

TTH.VN - On November 11, the Center for Knowledge Co-creation and Development Research (CKC) held the "Energy innovations" contest for students and teachers from 5 junior high schools in the area of Hue City, including Dang Van Ngu, Phu Mau, Phu Duong, Phu Thuong, and Dang Vinh junior high schools.

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 The student group from Phu Thuong junior high school excellently winning the first prize in the program with the message “Save Electricity!”

This activity is a part of the project Youth-led Energy Audit in Hue (YEAH! Project): “Small Changes for Big Gains to the Environment”, sponsored by the Government of Australia through the Australian Volunteers Program (AVP). This program was implemented by CKC Center from September to November, 2023. The YEAH! Project aims to raise awareness and responsibility on environmental protection through education and the work of energy management methods in schools. At the same time, it also aligns with the commitment of Vietnamese Government in the journey to achieve Zero emissions by 2050.

The project held a series of environmental and energy training sessions on September 23 and September 30, as well as carried out the energy-saving month at schools from October 2 to 28, 2023. Finishing the training sessions and the work of practicing saving energy, students conducted over 270 observations and notes on the management and use of energy at their schools. From there, students analyzed and suggested 5 creative and practical initiatives to compete in the "Energy innovations" contest, which was held on November 11.

After an enthusiastic presentation lasting over 2 hours, the group of students and teachers from Phu Thuong secondary school excellently won the first prize of the program with the message “Save Electricity!”.

In the coming time, the YEAH! Project will continue to accompany students, teachers, and schools to join the activities of planting trees and communication efforts to keep on promoting energy management capabilities for students of junior high schools and spread the message of saving energy for the environment in secondary education locally.

By Ngoc Ha
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