ClockSaturday, 20/07/2024 15:53

“Hue Speciality Products Market” on Tiktok Shop Vietnam

TTH.VN - On July 19, Thua Thien Hue Young Entrepreneurs Association, in collaboration with Tiktok Shop Vietnam and Vitamin Media & Entertainment Company, organized a livestream event themed “Hue Speciality Products Market”.

Tiktokers from Hue promotes tourism of the Ancient CapitalSharing, connecting businesses with TikTok Creators in love with Hue specialtiesPromoting e-commerce sales on TikTok

 Livestreaming Hue specialty products on the TikTok shop platform

With the guidance of content creators from the TikTok Shop Vietnam, many products that are specialties of the Ancient Capital, including crystallized ginger, Hue lotus seeds, beef noodle (bun bo) seasoning, agarwood, sesame candies (me xung), eucalyptus oil, and the ao dai, etc., from businesses in the province, were being live-streamed and sold directly on the TikTok Shop Vietnam.

According to representatives of the content creators from the TikTok Shop Vietnam, Thua Thien Hue is a province associated with cultural values such as heritages, royal court music, unique cuisine, and famous traditional craft villages. With this potential, TikTok Shop Vietnam desires to collaborate with local businesses to integrate the heritages and cultural characteristics of the Ancient Capital into their product branding stories, by effectively leveraging modern digital platform, increasing the groundbreaking business opportunities for businesses and individuals.

Through this activity, businesses received support in selling and directly promoting Hue's products to consumers nationwide. Simultaneously, they had the opportunity to learn, gain practical experience, and apply professional livestream selling on the TikTok platform.

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Opportunity for market expansion and connection

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Opportunity for market expansion and connection
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