New cajeput essential oil product achieves FSC certification

New cajeput essential oil product achieves FSC certification

The product has earned FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certification, ensuring its responsible sourcing and community-friendly production. This certification underscores environmental commitments while also reassuring consumers.
The “Kick-starter” for start-up businesses

The first "Startup Women" contest held by the provincial Women's Union ended in mid-June was considered a "kick-starter", creating a strong movement in the women members who have started their businesses.

The “Kick-starter” for start-up businesses
Connecting clean products

For more than one year, Hue City Women's Union (HCWU) has served as a connection bridge to introduce the production of clean, safe products and traditional products of the members to businesses...

Connecting clean products
Vietravel Airlines invests in Hue

Vietravel Airlines project is invested with a total investment of about VND 1,000 billion. It will be put into operation in 2020, with capacity to receive 20 aircraft and 5 million passengers per year.

Vietravel Airlines invests in Hue
Setting to work the Eco Garden project

Eco Garden is one of the projects that is expected to make the special and unique features in the process of forming An Van Duong a new urban area.

Setting to work the Eco Garden project
Connecting neighborhoods

15 bridges in the 2 component projects with a total budget of 51 billion dongs of the Civil bridge construction component have been completed in turn, contributing to the connection of localities.

Connecting neighborhoods
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