ClockFriday, 24/03/2023 21:17

A pilot program to bring Hue Bookcase into libraries of districts and schools

TTH.VN - In 2023, from five to eight publications will be published for Hue Bookcase; and from seven to ten publications will be proposed to the publishing plan for Hue Bookcase in 2024. This information was announced on March 23 by the Provincial People's Committee, relating to the plan of "Establishing and developing Hue Bookcase" in 2023.

Hue Bookcase will be a unique institutional publication on culture“Forming and promoting Hue bookcase”Forming "Hue bookcase" to preserve the reading cultureEstablishing 'Hue Bookcase' to introduce and promote Hue culture

 Mr. Nguyen Thanh Binh, the Standing Member of the Provincial Party Committee, Permanent Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee, on an occasion to present the publications of Hue Bookcase to schools

Accordingly, in addition to the publishing, there will be a pilot program of establishing Hue Bookcase in eight public libraries at district level, 11 private libraries serving the community, and dozens of libraries of universities, colleges, high schools and junior high schools in the provincial area; besides, completing, updating and exploiting Hue Bookcase website, which will be integrated into the Hue-S application.

On top of that, the goals are to complete the logo template and the brand identity of Hue Bookcase, register trademark copyright and identify the logo of "Hue Bookcase" as well as establish and put the Hue Bookcase Development Fund into operation; implementing the construction of the book street, promoting the communication and promotion of Hue Bookcase, and promoting the development of reading culture in the community, etc.

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Presentation on "Energy innovations" from 5 schools in Hue

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Presentation on Energy innovations  from 5 schools in Hue
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