ClockMonday, 19/08/2024 15:56

Brass Band performing and honoring mothers at Hue Central Hospital

TTH.VN - On the afternoon of August 18, at the Pediatrics Department of Hue Central Hospital, the Hue Brass Band held a music performance on the occasion of Ullambana Festival.

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 The brass band performing at the Pediatrics Department of Hue Central Hospital

Starting with the song Beautiful Sunday, artists of the Brass Band brought to the young patients cheerful children’s melodies, such as the songs “Con heo dat”, the “Ruoc den thang 8”, etc. Additionally, there were two saxophone solos, including the song “Me yeu” performed by artist Thai Binh, and the song “Ganh me” performed by artist Hoang An. The brass band concluded the performance with the well-known song written by the late composer Trinh Cong Son titled “Noi Vong Tay Lon”.

 Attending the performance were Hue Central Hospital’s patients and music lovers

The program was a part of the volunteer project “One Painting – Many Hopes”. On this occasion, Thua Thien Hue Provincial Women’s Business Association collaborated with the organizer to give 100 portions of gifts (including 30 gifts for pediatric patients, and 70 others for mothers), as well as holding an early Mid-Autumn festival for the poor young patients.

Story and photos: Pham Phuoc Chau
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