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Initiating application process for recognition of Phuoc Tich Ancient Village as a Special National Heritage Site

TTH.VN - Related agencies is undergoing the procedures to submit a proposal for the reclassification of Phuoc Tich Ancient Village (Phong Hoa Commune, Phong Dien District) from a National Heritage Site to a Special National Heritage Site.

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 An overview of Phuoc Tich Ancient Village: Photo: Duc Hieu

On January 1, Mr. Nguyen Duc Loc, Director of Thua Thien Hue Historical Museum confirmed this information and informed that the implementation process is in the first steps.

According to Mr. Loc, the museum has coordinated with the People’s Committee of Phong Dien District to compile a sketchy curriculum vitae. This document will be submitted to the Provincial People’s Committee and sent to the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism for opinions on approval. After reaching consensus, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism will reply local authorities by an official document. After which, the further procedures and documents will be carried out in accordance with the sequence.

On the same day, Mr. Doan Quyet Thang, Director of the Management Board for Artistic and Architectural Heritage of Phuoc Tich Ancient Village stated that the Provincial People’s Committee sent the proposal for the approval of the classification of Phuoc Tich Ancient Village as a Special National Heritage to the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

It's known that Phuoc Tich Ancient Village was recognized as a national heritage in 2009. This ancient village is covered by the O Lau River, adjacent to Quang Tri Province. It is around 40km to the Northern side of Hue City, and it was established in 1470 during the reign of Emperor Le Thanh Tong. At the time being recognized as a national heritage, the village was praised for its intact and precious status, not only in the Central Region but also nationwide with dozens of traditional ruong houses and garden houses bearing special values in terms of both technical and aesthetic aspects.

 Foreign tourists visiting Phuoc Tich Ancient Village

Besides that, Phuoc Tich Ancient Village has still preserved many cultural values such as religious cultural architecture (communal houses, pagodas, ancestral temples, temples, and shrines), as well as natural landscapes, and village scenes.

Nowadays, Phuoc Tich Ancient Village is one of the destinations attractive to both domestic and international tourists with various lively artistic and cultural activities, and craft village experiences, etc.

Over years, receiving many sources of funding, Phuoc Tich Ancient Village has been invested in technical infrastructure system such as lighting system, underground electricity, brick-paved roads, and parking lot. Especially, 23 out of 25 ruong houses have been completely renovated and upgraded according to the project “supporting policies for the protection and promotion of the typical values of Hue garden houses”.

By N. Minh
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Preparing dossier for Phuoc Tich ancient village to be recognized as special relic

Phuoc Tich ancient village is surrounded by the O Lau river in Phong Hoa Commune, (Phong Dien District), which is 40km north of Hue City. The village was founded in 1470, during the reign of Le Thanh Tong. With its poetic scenery, valuable architecture of ruong houses and garden houses, and unique cultural institutions, etc., the village was recognized as a national relic in 2009. Currently, the functional agencies are preparing a dossier to propose the village to be recognized as a special national relic.

Preparing dossier for Phuoc Tich ancient village to be recognized as special relic
Conserving and promoting the value of World Heritages

On the afternoon of September 11th, the Provincial People's Committee Office announced that a provincial delegation led by the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, Mr. Nguyen Van Phuong, attended the Extended 45th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee (WHC UNESCO) held in Riyadh, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Conserving and promoting the value of World Heritages
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